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pixOrga Camera for iOS
pixOrga is a free iOS app by creative design agency Teyka that makes it easy to take, organize and quickly find and share the exact photos you want with an intuitive drag & drop interface. Built on the idea that sharing is the first intention of taking a photo, pixOrga makes sharing effortless.
Take photos. Drag & drop to organize them. Drag & drop directly to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Imgur. Share folders to Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box. Easily find, view and share photos in person, by email, on social media and in the cloud.
Thank you for your support, and for tens of thousands of downloads. Creating pixOrga and seeing it evolve was a great experience. As of December 31, 2019, support for pixOrga has been discontinued.
pixOrga iPhone App photo session
pixOrga iPhone iOS Appstore icon
pixOrga iPhone App Drag and Drop
pixOrga for iOS Privacy Protection
pixOrga iPhone App Organize Photos
Download pixOrga for iOS on iPhone
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